Winter needs more preparation and attention to your vehicle

Our winters are getting much colder than used to be. According to the National Weather Service 2013=-14 winter was the coldest on record. Winter requires preparing your vehicles for the cold.

  • You may need snow tires. They provide better traction for wintery weather conditions than regular tires, helps to slowdown the vehicle on ice, and stop slipping under icy conditions.
  • Get a complete checkup of your vehicle. In addition to your regular maintenance, technicians will look at other things such as hoses and belts, brakes, lights, windshield wipers, hazard lights and inspect your heater, battery and defroster.
  • Make sure to check fluids. During rain and snow, you need washer fluids rated for wintery conditions. Don’t forget your antifreeze. This denser fluid can protect your engine during the winter.
  • Always keep your gas tank full. It will help you to prevent your fuel lines from freezing. On the other hand, you may need that full tank of gas when you are stuck on the freeway due to bad weather.
  • Be careful when you are breaking on icy road surface. Keep a safe distance when driving in wintery weather conditions. Always carry an emergency kit including some food, warm blanket and others.