Consult your health care professional before getting behind the wheel

We all know that we shouldn’t drive while we are taking common cold medications that make us drowsy.  But there are many other medications that increase the risk of driving and need input from a medical professional for use of the medication and driving.  There were 32 million drivers who are older than 65 years of age in 2009 in the U.S.  Older drivers caused more than 17 percent of traffic fatalities and more than eight percent of all traffic crashes in the U.S. in 2009.  But not many drivers, especially older drivers consult their health professionals for advice on driving while taking medications.

Not just the common cold medications that make you drowsy.  Medication for antidepressant could make your driving hazardous for you as well as other drivers.  In addition to medications, herbal supplements and certain foods can also interact with your driving.  Studies show that these types of medications could increase crash risk by 41 percent.

If you an older driver or you are taking medications for certain conditions, it is imperative that you consult your health care professional before you get behind the wheel.  The American Automobile Association has an online resource known as Roadwise Rx for its members.